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Compassionately Connected, Joyfully Engaged, Always Learning


If your child is going to be absent, dropped off late or picked up early for any reason, please call the attendance line at (585) 670-4062

Arrival & Dismissal Timing:

  • Start of the school day: 7:50am

    • Students being driven to school should be dropped off in the bus loop between 7:50-8:00 AM (students arriving after 8:00 AM will be marked tardy)

    • Students being bussed will be dropped off at the side entrance upon arrival

    • Students walking or biking to school should be inside the school building no later than 8 AM

  • End of the school day: 2:20pm

    • Buses roll at 2:10pm

    • Parent pick up between 2:10-2:20pm

    • Bikers/walkers dismissed from main office at 2:20pm

NOTE: students biking/walking MUST sign out in the main office prior to leaving the building

Drop Off Procedures:

  • Pull ALL THE WAY up in the bus loop upon arrival on campus
  • Beginning at 7:50am, students exit vehicles and enter the building
  • All students should arrive prior to 8:00am

PikMyKid app (dismissal):

If you don’t already have the app, please be sure download it and complete the registration (by visiting!/) PRIOR to the first day of school.  The PikMyKid app will be used during the dismissal process for all means of dismissal (WonderCare, bus, vehicle, walking & biking).  We will send your child to the default dismissal mode UNLESS you go in and manually make a change (i.e. you want your child to walk but they typically ride the bus...if you don’t change the dismissal mode to walker, we will put your child on the bus.)  If you need to make any changes to your child’s dismissal mode (such as delegation to a different pickup individual) simply do it in the app up to 30 minutes prior to the start of our dismissal process (by 1:30 PM).  You can schedule changes to the default well in advance.

Pick up procedures:

  • Arrive between 2:10-2:20 PM ONLY.  Do NOT arrive early as it will impact our bus dismissal as well as Plank North’s dismissal.

  • Stop at the greeter as you enter the bus loop and select “Announce” on the PikMyKid app on your phone

    • If you forgot your phone or don’t have the app, place the PikMyKid Car Tag in your front window

  • Pull ALL THE WAY up in the loop and wait for your child(ren) to exit the building and enter your vehicle


We will provide you with your child specific PikMyKid Car Tag (2 copies).  Please put the tag in your vehicle for safekeeping and give a copy to anyone that you will delegate to pick up your child (i.e. a grandparent, neighbor, etc.).  When presented, this tag acts as a means of identification during the pick up process.

Please find support information at or contact them via email at 


IMPORTANT: NO bus passes will be issued (students may ONLY ride their assigned bus)

  • Bus information will be available on the parent portal (anticipated availability late August)

    • Log in at

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