Student Registration
District Registrar/Student Data Coordinator: Brenda Roof |
Email: |
Address: District Administrative Offices 119 South Avenue, Webster 14580 |
Registration Assistant: Kandace Walvoord |
Phone: (585) 216-0029 Fax: (585) 216-0082 |
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. |
K-12 Registration for 2024-25
K-12 Registration for 2025-26 Now Open!Registration for the 2025-26 school year is now open! Parents/guardians of incoming kindergarten students are encouraged to register by January 31. Parents/guardians please follow the links below to register online. |
Private, Parochial & Charter School RegistrationWebster CSD is responsible for some costs associated with students who live in the district but attend a private, parochial, or charter school. Therefore, a brief registration form and proof of residency are required. Follow the steps below to register your child(ren). |
Prekindergarten (PreK)Prekindergarten is a New York State funded program specifically designed for 4-year-olds not eligible for kindergarten. Each year Webster CSD invites families of eligible children who reside in the district to apply. Please follow the steps below to learn more and register. |
Homeschool InformationMonroe One Educational Services oversees homeschooling for Webster CSD as well as other local school districts. For details on the Homeschool Monitoring program, please follow the link below. If you have questions or require further information, please directly contact Monroe One Educational Services. |
Change of ResidenceAre you moving? Whether you are moving from one location to another within Webster or leaving Webster, you will need to notify the district. Follow the appropriate link below to learn the steps. |