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Fifth Graders Earn Citizenship Award

Webster Central School District is pleased to announce the honorees of the 22nd annual Webster Retired Educators Association (WREA) Citizenship Award: Kylie S., Alainna M., Anastacia P., Ellice H., Benjamin B., Clara K., and Olivia T.
For more than two decades the WREA has sponsored the Citizenship Award, honoring a fifth grade student in each Webster elementary school. Citizenship Award winners exemplify the qualities of service, scholarship, leadership, and sportsmanship. They participate actively in school and community activities, use their best ability consistently in all subject areas, demonstrate leadership abilities in a variety of school activities, and treat classmates with fairness, respect, generosity, and courtesy.
Each honoree received a medal and their name engraved on a Citizenship plaque that is displayed in their elementary school. Additionally, the honorees will be recognized at the first Webster CSD Board of Education meeting in September, followed by a reception sponsored by the WREA.

Kylie S.

Kylie S. is DeWitt Road Elementary School’s Citizenship Award winner. She starts each day with a positive attitude and models scholarship, leadership, and sportsmanship in all areas of life. In the classroom, she is a model of Cooperation, Accountability, Respect, and Excellence (C.A.R.E.). Kylie puts 100% effort into her learning, being an active participant and asking intriguing questions that spark curiosity in others. She demonstrates leadership by applying new strategies during group work, works hard, and is persistent in the classroom. Kindness is always on her mind. She is a C.A.R.E. leader, runs food drives, and leads morning meetings. She also volunteers in other classrooms and has even given up her recess to join a class in physical education (PE) to help encourage students to do their best! She is also a member of the band. Outside of school, Kylie enjoys basketball. Whether dribbling down the basketball court during recess or playing a competitive game in the classroom or gym, she is the first to celebrate someone else’s success, and that is because she respects everyone to the fullest. She has natural talent in anything competitive and leads her team to success, all while staying humble and kind.

Alainna M.
Alainna M.

Alainna M., Klem Road North Elementary School’s Citizenship Award winner, shows leadership qualities and a caring attitude, is courteous, and is helpful to others. She excels in the classroom and in the Webster community. When asked to describe her, teachers use words like “positive, humorous, genuinely kind, responsible, selfless, and cooperative.” Alainna shared her love of learning as a second grade reading buddy. She is also a member of the Klem North Band and has performed at Community Arts Day along with the January and April Solo Festivals, where she received two outstanding ratings. Alainna also participates in chorus and was selected to be a member of All-County chorus this year. Outside of school she is a member of the Lakefront Soccer team as well as a dancer at the Deborah McKay School of Dance, where she has taken tap, jazz, and ballet since the age of 4. She also actively participates in Girl Scouts, where she consistently sells over 300 boxes of cookies each year. Alainna shows integrity at school and in the community. She is quick to lend a hand to a student in need and always makes a conscious effort to include all students. Her caring heart, positive attitude, and amazing sense of humor make her the true definition of a Klem North Star.

Anastasia P.
Anastasia P.

Anastasia P. is Klem Road South Elementary School’s Citizenship Award winner. Throughout the school year, she demonstrated scholarship. Teachers can count on her to participate in lessons, put her best effort into her work, collaborate respectfully with her peers, and offer a kind word to anyone who might need it. She takes pride in a job well done and consistently goes above and beyond in all that she does. Anastasia demonstrates leadership and service within her school community. You might find her being a role model to younger students as a first grade safety patrol member or you might hear her musical talents as she plays in the Klem South Band, competes at Solo Fest, sings in the chorus, or performs in the Klem South musical. Anastasia shows good sportsmanship outside of school where she has played basketball and lacrosse – but nothing compared to her love of gymnastics where she is always working hard to learn and practice new skills. Anastasia even took her gymnastics skills to new heights when she took aerial arts lessons, using silks and hoops to do tricks 10 feet off the ground. She is also highly creative, having taught herself how to crochet and spends hours each week making new creations.

Ellice H.
Ellice H.

Ellice H., Plank Road North Elementary School’s Citizenship Award winner, consistently demonstrates all of the criteria set forth for this honor. She always pushes herself to do her best, and follows through on all assignments and activities in school. No matter the task or activity, Ellice does not waver in her commitment to it. She is an active member of her school community, each morning and afternoon serving as a library helper, as part of the safety patrol, as a member of the winning Battle of the Books team, and as the Scarecrow in this year’s production of The Wizard of Oz.  Whether Ellice is playing a game in physical education class or working with her group on a novel in the classroom, she is able to set the right tone for a positive and productive experience as a leader as well as a team player. She is respected by her peers and is a role model to all. The final year of elementary school can be a challenging one, but Ellice has soared in independence, motivation, and organization.


Benjamin B. is Plank Road South Elementary School’s Citizenship Award winner. He is recognized for his good citizenship, leadership, and character. Benjamin has been a shining example of a role model, both within and outside of school. He has rocked the stage with his musical talent in band and represented his classmates well within the student council. A natural leader, he listens to all ideas, and helps his peers come to consensus in a respectful manner. Benjamin’s impact goes beyond school activities. He has dedicated his time to serve others in the community, volunteering and making a positive difference. Plank South teachers and administrators have said he is an incredible, kind-hearted student who is always willing to help others. He has a positive attitude and works hard at whatever he does. He is kind to peers, and they gravitated towards him. He leads by example. Benjamin uses his voice with purpose, whether it’s to meaningfully engage in class discussions, to tell a joke to make someone's day, or to stand up for a friend in need. He is responsible, hard-working, creative, kind to others, and patient.

Clara K.
Clara K.

Clara K., Schlegel Road Elementary School’s Citizenship Award winner, exemplifies outstanding behavior and character, and is a true role model, consistently demonstrating the C.A.R.E. attributes and essential skills. Choosing to be kind, showing respect, and being her highest self comes naturally to her. Her positive attitude is contagious to those around her. Clara is a self-motivated learner, a leader by example, and a kind hearted friend. She lends a hand to anyone in need. Her kindness and empathetic nature help others feel comfortable. Clara strives to be her very best and takes pride in her academics. She consistently uses feedback to improve their work and challenge herself to grow. Clara takes all of her responsibilities seriously, including orchestra, chorus, and CREW assemblies. She has attended art club, as well as researched and shared a couple of change makers this year for the announcements. She is just as active and dedicated outside of school, having been in gymnastics, and book clubs, and loves crafts, reading, and writing short stories. Her new hobby is crocheting and sewing, and she always enjoys family time. A constant thread in all the activities is them making new friends wherever she goes.

Olivia T.

Olivia T. is State Road Elementary School’s Citizenship Award winner. Classmates, teachers, and administrators say she exemplifies the Excellence in C.A.R.E. every day, is eager to learn, willing to help others achieve, and shows kindness and grace to everyone. Olivia approaches challenges with a positive attitude and isn’t afraid to take chances. She is respectful, shows integrity, asks questions, completes work to the best of her ability, and can be counted on to be a helper and role model to her peers. She embraces opportunities to participate in extra activities, such as an optional fourth grade book club. She has also been one of State’s flag bearers, helps on the bus loop even when she is not officially on safety patrol that term. Olivia participated in the morning announcements, joined groups like Lego club, and has participated in science fairs over the years. She is musically talented and enjoys singing in chorus as well as playing the viola in orchestra. She has donated her time and given up many recesses to support the PE teachers with the set up and break down of equipment and is a fabulous bus buddy. Olivia encourages others to be their best selves while continuing to grow herself. She comes from a family who is steadfast in their faith and service, and she spends quality time with them.

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