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Field Trip Protocol

Students participate in field trips to augment the educational experience.   Some students need to receive daily medication or have rapid-acting rescue medication available during field trips.  The District’s goal is to assist students in becoming independent with their health management. It is therefore the District’s expectation that students, as they mature, will also be able to manage their condition, appropriate for their age and capacity, becoming independent during the middle and high school years.  

School nurses do not regularly attend field trips. After being trained by the school nurse, teachers or other school staff carry the medication and assist self-directed students to take it at the proper time.  Self-directed students know their own name, recognize the medication, know correct dose to take, time of day,  the reason for taking  the medication, and state what happens if they don’t take it. The student should also have the ability to refuse to take medication if they think it is not the correct medication.   Students who do not meet these expectations are considered nurse-dependent and must have a nurse, parent/guardian or parent-assigned designee administer their medication. Middle and high school students who have Independent Carry and Use medications orders may carry and administer their own medications per Independent Carry and Use guidelines.
As with any medication administered in school or at school-related events, the district and state medication administration protocol needs to be followed. (Refer to the Medications page). In addition to this procedure, an additional medication prescription or manufacturer's container needs to be provided to the school nurse if medication is to be sent on field trips. Because orders for dispensing daily medication during school hours are limited to only those hours, additional physician orders & parent permission are required to administer this medication if the field trip lasts after normal school hours. However, as needed rapid-acting rescue medication orders may be used for after-hours and overnight field trips. There is a separate procedure to follow for overnight trips. See the school nurse or field trip advisor for more information.  

If it is determined that a student is nurse-dependent,  the following options may be considered:

  • The parent/guardian may attend the activity to supervise the student.

  • The parent may designate in writing another adult who is not employed by the school district to voluntarily administer the medication on the field trip and provide the document to the school nurse.

  • The student’s provider or parent may adjust or eliminate the medication or procedure to accommodate the field trip.

  • A nurse, parent or designee is not necessary for food allergic students if the field trip does not involve food consumption.

  • If a sub nurse is ultimately obtained for a student's health needs, the sub nurse is responsible only for the health needs of that particular student.

  • If no nurse, parent/guardian or designee is available to accompany the student, the field trip may need be cancelled and/or rescheduled.


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